The Global Carbon Project's fossil CO₂ emissions dataset

The Global Carbon Project's (GCP) fossil CO₂ emissions dataset is a central component of the Global Carbon Budget's annually released dataset and report. The GCB fossil CO₂ dataset contains a detailed methodology description as well as information on the sources of each data point. Having initially been a reproduction of other datasets it now includes a number of refinements and further data sources. Openclimatedata provides visualisations and overview of the data for all countries and for all releases of the GCB fossil CO₂ dataset.

GCB Fossil 2023v43 CO₂ emissions: Global Total

35000 Mt CO₂
  • Other
  • Cement
  • Flaring
  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Coal
Source: GCB Fossil 2023v43

Releases of the GCB Fossil dataset



Released: January 24, 2024

Citation: Andrew, R. M., & Peters, G. P. (2024). The Global Carbon Project's fossil CO2 emissions dataset (2023v43) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Countries/regions: Global sum and 224 countries and regions.

Years: 1750 – 2022

  • Known problems with Réunion, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, and Martinique as a result of changes to France's reporting
  • UN M49 codes provided in the data files are erroneous and should be considered to be unreliable
  • New coal emissions for 20 Latin American countries estimated from data collated by Yáñez et al. (2013)
  • Further work identifying true zeros and true NaNs (=NODATA)
  • Clear indication of source as CDIAC (Andres et al. 2011) before 1950 where appropriate
  • Various updates to countries for which low-lag data are available
  • Corrected: some data were incorrectly processed in per capita series
  • Corrected: some sources were incorrect for disaggregated countries

Released: November 21, 2023

Citation: Andrew, R. M., & Peters, G. P. (2023). The Global Carbon Project's fossil CO2 emissions dataset (2023v36) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Countries/regions: Global sum and 224 countries and regions.

Years: 1750 – 2022

  • Known problems with Réunion, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, and Martinique as a result of changes to France's reporting
  • New data for New Caledonia
  • New data for Iceland’s final year
  • Split of international bunkers by aviation and shipping
  • Norway updated from official 2023 release

Released: November 2, 2023

Citation: Andrew, R. M., & Peters, G. P. (2023). The Global Carbon Project's fossil CO2 emissions dataset (2023v28) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Countries/regions: Global sum and 223 countries and regions.

Years: 1750 – 2022

  • Known problems with Réunion, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, and Martinique as a result of changes to France's reporting
  • Added additional country disaggregations for French Equatorial Africa and French West Africa before 1960
  • Used EIA data for DR Congo coal after 1990
  • New series for early UK coal
  • New series for Australian coal before 1990, coal 1960-1989, oil before 1960
  • Replaced use of BP/EI data with extensions using UN energy data and JODI natural gas data for final years, where available
  • Specific estimate for Ukraine in 2022
  • Use of official low-lag estimates for Thailand
  • Estimation from Iceland’s energy data 1940-1949
  • Estimation from Liechtenstein’s energy data 1959-1989
  • Addition of earlier satellite-derived flaring estimates
  • New methods for international bunkers in final years
  • Use of JODI natural gas consumption data for final years
  • Direct use of UN energy data in final years

Released: October 17, 2022

Citation: Andrew, Robbie M., & Peters, Glen P. (2022). The Global Carbon Project's fossil CO2 emissions dataset (2022v27) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Countries/regions: Global sum and 231 countries and regions.

Years: 1750 – 2021

  • Source(s) of each data point are also provided and are work in progress
  • For non-Annex 1 countries, we have used satellite-derived estimates of flaring reported by the World Bank’s Global Gas Flaring Reporting (GGFR) Partnership starting from 2012. The use of these data for Annex 1 countries is still being considered.
  • New estimates of Chinese coal consumption 1907–1949 based on information from historian Tim Wright.
  • Added preliminary estimates from Statistics Finland for the year following the final year of their most recent submission to the UNFCCC.
  • Adjustments to international bunker emissions based on additional data from Marine Benchmark and the EIA.
  • CDIAC’s 2022 pre-release had negative emissions for UAE and Oman in 2019, a result of incorrect energy reporting by these two countries, so we have replaced from 2017 using growth rates from BP’s energy data.
  • CDIAC’s 2022 pre-release had a doubling of Colombia’s emissions from natural gas, which is inconsistent with other sources, so we have replaced with CDIAC’s 2021 release, which does not exhibit the same errors.

Released: October 14, 2021

Citation: Andrew, Robbie M., & Peters, Glen P. (2021). The Global Carbon Project's fossil CO2 emissions dataset (2021v34) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Countries/regions: Global sum and 231 countries and regions.

Years: 1750 – 2020

  • Source(s) of each data point are also provided and are work in progress
  • Modified method of extrapolation using BP energy data for oil emissions to recognise that BP’s national oil data include sales to international bunker. This correction allowed the maintenance of the global total change in oil emissions in 2020 to match the global total change in oil consumption in energy terms reported by BP .
  • Added data from CBS for the Netherlands